In this article we create Timeago function for change time.
For example AWeek ago, A Day ago, A Minute ago etc.
For Change your time in above format use below class for change your time to Timeago format.
Create object of TimeAgo class.
Output of above example is like below.
First of add below this string to your string.xml file in your android project.
For example AWeek ago, A Day ago, A Minute ago etc.
For Change your time in above format use below class for change your time to Timeago format.
Create object of TimeAgo class.
TimeAgo timeAgo = new TimeAgo(YOUR CLASS NAME HERE.this);
timeAgo.timeAgo(PASS YOUR STRING DATE HERE, PASS DATE FORMATTER HERE) ;Below I describe the example with use of TimeAgo class.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);TimeAgo timeago = new TimeAgo(MainActivity.this);String time1 = timeago.timeAgo("2014-09-20 00:10", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");String time2 = timeago.timeAgo("2014-09-20 11:59", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");String time3= timeago.timeAgo("2014-09-28 11:59", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(;TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(;TextView textView3 = (TextView) findViewById(;textView1.setText(time1);textView2.setText(time2);textView3.setText(time3);}}
Output of above example is like below.
First of add below this string to your string.xml file in your android project.
<string name="time_ago_prefix"></string>Add this below class in your package of android Project.<string name="time_ago_suffix">ago</string><string name="time_ago_seconds">less than a minute</string><string name="time_ago_minute">about a minute</string><string name="time_ago_minutes">%d minutes</string><string name="time_ago_hour">about an hour</string><string name="time_ago_hours">about %d hours</string><string name="time_ago_day">a day</string><string name="time_ago_days">%d days</string><string name="time_ago_month">about a month</string><string name="time_ago_months">%d months</string><string name="time_ago_year">about a year</string><string name="time_ago_years">%d years</string>
Hope this post is helpful for you.public class TimeAgo {protected Context context;public TimeAgo(Context context) {this.context = context;}public String timeAgo(String strDate,String format) {SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);try {return timeAgo(formatter.parse(strDate));} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return "";}public String timeAgo(Date date) {return timeAgo(date.getTime());}public String timeAgo(long millis) {long diff = new Date().getTime() - millis;Resources r = context.getResources();String prefix = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_prefix);String suffix = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_suffix);double seconds = Math.abs(diff) / 1000;double minutes = seconds / 60;double hours = minutes / 60;double days = hours / 24;double years = days / 365;String words;if (seconds < 45) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_seconds, Math.round(seconds));} else if (seconds < 90) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_minute, 1);} else if (minutes < 45) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_minutes, Math.round(minutes));} else if (minutes < 90) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_hour, 1);} else if (hours < 24) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_hours, Math.round(hours));} else if (hours < 42) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_day, 1);} else if (days < 30) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_days, Math.round(days));} else if (days < 45) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_month, 1);} else if (days < 365) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_months, Math.round(days / 30));} else if (years < 1.5) {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_year, 1);} else {words = r.getString(R.string.time_ago_years, Math.round(years));}StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {sb.append(prefix).append(" ");}sb.append(words);if (suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0) {sb.append(" ").append(suffix);}return sb.toString().trim();}}
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